
Showing posts from July, 2017

3 months

Finn- For most of the last month you were in Utah as we travelled to see family. You were the perfect traveller. You slept great on the plane. You are still on the best schedule of sleeping, eating, and then just smiling and being happy until it is time for your next nap. When you are ready to sleep, you just get slightly fussy. I swaddle you tight and pat your bum and you fall right to sleep. You are fun because you are so predictable, that it makes it easy for anyone to know what you want and everyone can help you out. You are easy to make smile, and will smile at anyone. You make a lot of happy squeals and coos, and are right on the verge of laughing, but don't laugh quite yet. You still wake up 1-2 times a night. Usually at 2-3, and again at about 5:30. You still sleep in your rock n play sleeper. You don't like your crib at all! You are starting to fit into some 3-6 month clothing (I don't know why that seems so huge-you are 3 months!) You are getting pr