
Showing posts from August, 2017

4 months

FINN! We've had the BEST four months with you in our family. You still just have the sweetest, happiest, most easy-going personality. You make happy noises all the time, which make all of us excited. You have laughed a small handful of times, but we can't wait until it is more often. You enjoy sitting in your bumbo seat now. You are holding your head up really well. You can roll from stomach to back, but not the other way around yet. You don't get a lot of practice because you hate tummy-time. You aren't in as good of an awake-sleep schedule as last month. I need to figure out the best way to tweak it now that you are growing. You go crazy moving your limbs and making noises if you're on my lap during meals. I think you are wanting to try table food. I cheated and gave you some very small pieces of corn on the cob and some fruit the other day. I mean-really, really small so it probably doesn't even count-but you seemed to like it. I feel like I'm