1 month


Happy first month baby boy! I can't believe how fast that flew by! You still mostly sleep through your nights and days (between feedings, of course) but we are starting to see glimpses of your likes/dislikes and personality. You LOVE warm baths. If you are slightly sad about something, a bath is a sure way to cheer you up every time. You love to be swaddled tight. And you love cuddles with your mom. Ok, maybe mom loves cuddles with you. We both just love to cuddle! You sleep best when you're with me and end up in our bed most nights. You are on the verge of smiling, and will look at us and stop crying when we talk or sing to you. You eat a lot but still wear your newborn clothes and have some room to grow in them. You like a lot of attention, which is good because you get it! Your eyes are getting more blue, and your skin is getting more pale. Your name means light/fair and it looks like it will fit you perfect!


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