
4 months

FINN! We've had the BEST four months with you in our family. You still just have the sweetest, happiest, most easy-going personality. You make happy noises all the time, which make all of us excited. You have laughed a small handful of times, but we can't wait until it is more often. You enjoy sitting in your bumbo seat now. You are holding your head up really well. You can roll from stomach to back, but not the other way around yet. You don't get a lot of practice because you hate tummy-time. You aren't in as good of an awake-sleep schedule as last month. I need to figure out the best way to tweak it now that you are growing. You go crazy moving your limbs and making noises if you're on my lap during meals. I think you are wanting to try table food. I cheated and gave you some very small pieces of corn on the cob and some fruit the other day. I mean-really, really small so it probably doesn't even count-but you seemed to like it. I feel like I'm

3 months

Finn- For most of the last month you were in Utah as we travelled to see family. You were the perfect traveller. You slept great on the plane. You are still on the best schedule of sleeping, eating, and then just smiling and being happy until it is time for your next nap. When you are ready to sleep, you just get slightly fussy. I swaddle you tight and pat your bum and you fall right to sleep. You are fun because you are so predictable, that it makes it easy for anyone to know what you want and everyone can help you out. You are easy to make smile, and will smile at anyone. You make a lot of happy squeals and coos, and are right on the verge of laughing, but don't laugh quite yet. You still wake up 1-2 times a night. Usually at 2-3, and again at about 5:30. You still sleep in your rock n play sleeper. You don't like your crib at all! You are starting to fit into some 3-6 month clothing (I don't know why that seems so huge-you are 3 months!) You are getting pr

2 months!

Happy 2 months, baby boy! What a light you are. The first couple month of your life was so busy for me that I don't think I fully recognized what a sweet, good-natured baby you are! We are so lucky to have you in our family! And so blessed by your patient personality. I started putting you on the baby-wise schedule at 6 weeks and you latched onto that so much better than I could have ever hoped! You love your eat, play, sleep schedule, and do that all day like clockwork! You still wake up every 3-4 hours to eat at night but you usually go right back to sleep so I don't mind too much. Every once in a while, you will have a night where you are up for a few hours after your 2-3 am feeding and that is a little rough. You starting giving us little glimpses of smiles at about 4 weeks but at 6 weeks you starting smiling non-stop with the biggest grins EVER! 

1 month

FINN! Happy first month baby boy! I can't believe how fast that flew by! You still mostly sleep through your nights and days (between feedings, of course) but we are starting to see glimpses of your likes/dislikes and personality. You LOVE warm baths. If you are slightly sad about something, a bath is a sure way to cheer you up every time. You love to be swaddled tight. And you love cuddles with your mom. Ok, maybe mom loves cuddles with you. We both just love to cuddle! You sleep best when you're with me and end up in our bed most nights. You are on the verge of smiling, and will look at us and stop crying when we talk or sing to you. You eat a lot but still wear your newborn clothes and have some room to grow in them. You like a lot of attention, which is good because you get it! Your eyes are getting more blue, and your skin is getting more pale. Your name means light/fair and it looks like it will fit you perfect!


Finn- Most of this will be more then you will ever want to know, but I will want to remember it! Your delivery was my smoothest yet! Honestly, it couldn't have gone any better and I just wish I could relive that wonderful day over and over again. All my other babies were early, so I anticipated your early arrival as well. Mimi was on call from Utah and every day we would talk about when you were coming. We wondered if you would come before or after Cole's birthday-but his birthday came and went-and you were still cozy in utero. On my appointment on April 6, as I was about to leave, Dr. Seiler asked (almost as an after thought) if I would like my membranes stripped. I was 38+2 weeks. It caught me by surprise, I hadn't even thought about it before. I thought it for 2 seconds and said YES! Mimi's flight was the next day and I thought it would be perfect. Well, she did and I immediately felt crampy, but I've heard you feel that way for a while and it isn